Davidoff Cigars
Davidoff is a Dominican cigar brand founded in 1939 in Switzerland by Zino Davidoff. Zino Davidoff’s passion for tobacco led him to travel to Argentina, Brazil, Cuba and to interview the workers of Havana to gather their experience in the processing and marketing of cigars. Zino Davidoff, back in Switzerland, expands his father’s modest tobacconist by adding a section dedicated to cigars in which he invented the humidifier.
Over the years it becomes a true legend for lovers of slow smoking. Each Davidoff cigar is unique and distinct in flavor. However, they all have a common familiarity that tells you instinctively: this is clearly a Davidoff. The reason? All Davidoff cigars are handcrafted by experts with the passion to offer a level of sophistication and refinement that allows every enthusiast to fill the time beautifully.
“The cigar is something that arouses respect. It is made for all the senses, for a complete pleasure, for the nose, the palate, the fingers, the eyes … A good cigar holds the promise of an absolutely satisfying experience “
Zino Davidoff